C.A.R.E.S. | Career Advancement/Research Enhancement Semester

Providing associate professors in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences focused time to advance their record of scholarship and research for promotion

What is CARES?

The CARES Program is designed to provide associate professors in the College focused time to advance their record of scholarship and research to the rank of full professor. Associate professors are at a critical career stage where expansion of scholarship is necessary to ensure long-term productivity and professional advancement. However, faculty at mid-career are often constrained by service, teaching, and other commitments that limit the time and energy that can be devoted to scholarship. CARES aims to remove some of these constraints, with the goal of facilitating a faculty member's progression to the highest academic ranks.


  • Faculty may apply for CARES in or past their sixth year as an associate professor (but not in the year that they come up for promotion to full professor).
  • Eligible applicants should not have held an internal or external research leave or sabbatical leave in the three years prior to the start of the proposed CARES.
  • Faculty members who are currently eligible to apply for a sabbatical are not eligible to apply for CARES.
  • No other internal or external semester-long or year-long fellowship can be held at the same time as the CARES.
  • Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate a commitment to seeking promotion to full professor rank, but for whom service or other commitments have interrupted progression towards promotion. 

A CARES Program award consists of:

  • Release from teaching and reduced service during one semester (either fall or spring)
  • Up to $4,000 provided to the awardee to defray research and travel costs during the fiscal year that includes the semester of the award
  • Up to $10,000 provided to the department for course replacement, if needed

At the completion of the award semester, the awardee will prepare and submit a brief report describing their research activities and progress to the College. 

The application consists of:

  • Statement (no more than two, single-spaces pages, 11-point font or larger) outlining the proposed scholarly activity during the semester and a  "promotion plan" that describes how the award will advance the applicant in promotion to full professor, including a timeline. This statement should also describe any interruptions of progress toward promotion. 
  • Copy of the applicant's CV.
  • Letter of support (no more than two, single-spaced pages, 11-point font or larger) from the unit chair/director with any request for funds to cover the teaching workload of the applicant and outlining the reduced service workload expected of the faculty member during the award semester. 

DEADLINE: Submit to cares@ku.edu by October 31, 2024.

Two CARES awards will be granted each academic year. This year's CARES awards will be for Fall 2025 or Spring 2026. 

Questions? Email cares@ku.edu for more information. 

Dean's Office Liaison: Maria E. Orive, Associate Dean, morive@ku.edu