Student Success

Image of students doing field work research.

Team Members Responsible: Anderson, DeBoer, Doan, Dubinsky, Ledom, Nietfeld, Swartzlander, VanGoethem

Objective 1: Increase Enrollment in the College

Strategy 1.1: Expand outreach pathways for undergraduate, transfer, and online recruitment.

Key Result 1: Expand and enhance engagement opportunities for incoming students.

Key Result 2: Increase the number of transfer students enrolling in the College as a result of specialized outreach and increased recruitment activities. 

Key Result 3: Increase the number of online students who enroll in the College. 

Strategy 1.2: Increase marketing of College programs, including majors and minors.

Key Result 1: Significant increase in production of focused marketing materials for the Fall 2025 recruitment cycle. 

Objective 2: Improve Student Retention by Enhancing Engagement and the Academic Experience

Strategy 2.1: Identify students in the engagement gap and pilot programs to engage them more effectively in the College.

Key Result 1: Pilot at least four new engagement efforts for undergraduate students in the College no later than December 2025 with review of impact one year after launch. 

Key Result 2: Better connect online students to the College community through the offering of at least two new engagement efforts directed at building community in the online space.

Strategy 2.2: Create a comprehensive plan to address high DFW rates and low retention rates in the College beginning with piloting large-enrolled classes contained in the KU Core 34.

Key Result 1: Significant reduction of DFW rates in the pilot study.

Key Result 2: Ensure pathways to degree completion for residential students that are not dependent upon online courses.

Strategy 2.3: Identify students who may be at risk of not thriving academically and reach out earlier to engage or re-engage them.

Key Result 1: Compared to previous years (before intervention was used) students remain at KU at a higher rate two semesters after they were proactively contacted through one of the College’s engagement methods.

Strategy 2.4: Strengthen graduate student academic progression through program and process enhancements.

Key Result 1: Implement measures aimed at reducing time to degree between oral comprehensive exams and completion, and for overall time to degree for doctoral programs in the College.

Key Result 2: Implement measures to assure continuity and consistency of graduate advising and student services even if there is staff and leadership turnover.

Objective 3: Support Long-Term Student Success by Improving Placement

Strategy 3.1: Continue with KBOR Math Pathways planning for 2026 with special attention to DFW rates in those who will move from Algebra to Statistics.

Key Result 1: Math Pathways built and pilot implemented by Fall 2025.

Objective 4: Assure Quality of Academic Programs

Strategy 4.1: Attract highest quality doctoral students.

Key Result 1: Partner programs with KU Marketing and Graduate Admissions to develop and implement new strategies that support program recruitment and admissions goals.  

Key Result 2: Increase the number of 1:1 advising meetings COGA graduate program coordinators hold with prospective students/applicants and in the number of interviews College faculty hold with candidates identified as highly competitive.

Key Result 3: Identify $10,000 in funds to provide 20 awards of $500 to support campus visits to bring in competitive candidates.

Key Result 4: Implement measures aimed at increasing the number of programs that issue admission acceptances within two weeks for highly competitive candidates.

Metrics Impacted

  1. Enrollment
    1. Increase in Kansas resident, transfer, online, and concurrent enrollments
    2. Increase in pre-health and second major
    3. Increase in student satisfaction
  2. Retention, graduation, and student debt
    1. Persistence to 2nd year
    2. Decrease in DFW rates
    3. Reduce time to degree between oral comprehensive exams and completion, and overall time to degree for doctoral programs