Research & Discovery

Team Members Responsible: Anderson, Dubinsky, Mafi, Orive, Reynolds, Syrett, Zhang
Objective 10: Grow Research
Strategy 10.1: Facilitate a culture of research in the College.
Key Result 1: Increase grant application success as a result of high-impact training opportunities.
Key Result 2: Increase number of large-scale interdisciplinary grant applications.
Key Result 3: Increase publishing and citation rates in the College.
Key Result 4: Increase research leadership capacity in the College.
Objective 11: Expand Impact of KU Research in Kansas and Beyond
Strategy 11.1: Support, facilitate, and promote community-engaged scholarship.
Key result 1: Increase visibility and funding for community-engaged scholarship.
Strategy 11.2: Support, facilitate, and promote KU as a center for big ideas. [Note: also addresses Healthy Communities Strategy 5.1.]
Key result 1: The College is viewed as the thought leader at KU and beyond.
Objective 12: Promote Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Strategy 12.1: Collaborate with university-level efforts in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Key result 1: Increase collaboration with the KU Office of Economic Development.
Objective 13: Recruit, Retain and Recognize Top Researchers
Strategy 13.1: Collaborate with central offices to strategize renovation of space and equipment.
Key result 1: Develop strategy to renovate one or two scholarly research spaces per year.
Key result 2: Ensure research equipment refreshment happens strategically rather than through equipment failure.
Strategy 13.2: Identify additional ways of recognizing research success.
Key result 1: Increase satisfaction rate as reported in an annual survey related to recognition of research productivity.
Strategy 13.3: Recruit high-research-activity faculty.
Key result 1: Increase hiring of first-rate faculty with top level research and scholarship activity.
Metrics Impacted
- Quantity and quality of articles and books per faculty
- Proposal counts and amounts
- Total research expenditures
- Proposal success rate
- Percentage of faculty with active awards
- Total research expenditure on research equipment
- Total proposal awards and counts for research equipment replacement
- Business/technology-development
- Related grants (SBIR, STTR, GOALI, etc.)
- Invention disclosures and patents
- Number of startups
- Number of renovated research spaces
- Hiring statistics
- Number of collaborative and strategic hires
- Number of strategic hires
- Progression to full professor rate
- Faculty satisfaction