Healthy & Vibrant Communities

Team Members Responsible: Anderson, Burghart, Eggleston, Ledom, Luckey, Mafi, Reynolds, Syrett, Tuma, Zhang
Objective 5: Strengthen Service to Local and Global Communities
Strategy 5.1: College engages the public, including the university community, in scholarly and intellectual dialogue. [Note: also addresses Research Strategy 11.2]
Key Result 1: Provide College-specific examples and resources of how to engage in productive, thought-provoking dialogue that presents multiple points of view on big ideas or controversial topics.
Objective 6: Improve DEIB
Strategy 6.1: Hire College Equity Advisors by Summer 2024 and integrate their work with central and unit equity leadership and advisors.
Key Result 1: Equity infrastructure for each unit of the College is in place by August 2024.
Strategy 6.2: Increase faculty diversity by implementing data-informed strategies.
Key Result 1: Identify realistic goals for underrepresented faculty groups by Fall 2024 that will inform recruitment and retention strategies for the future.
Strategy 6.3: Engage underrepresented students.
Key Result 1: Increase attendance at BIPOC/International and Queer/Trans events and students of color graduate student networking events by 25% over the course of the year.
Key Result 2:Ensure underrepresented students have an additional resource in the College when seeking assistance with problems.
Objective 7: Increase Workplace Satisfaction
Strategy 7.1: Increase engagement by the Dean’s Office with faculty and staff in the College, building a stronger community.
Key Result 1: Set baseline metrics by August 2024 on key indicators of satisfaction and engagement through the annual College faculty and staff survey to be developed by the Executive Committee to be administered in the 2024-2025 academic year.
Strategy 7.2: Provide enhancements to faculty professional life to increase satisfaction.
Key Result 1: Implement at least three high impact practices by Fall 2025 to enhance faculty professional life, evaluating the impact two years after implementation.
Objective 8: Ensure Stewardship of the College
Strategy 8.1: Develop a robust three-year budget for the College.
Key Result 1: Develop a preliminary three-year budget plan for fiscal years 2025-2027 by July 2024.
Strategy 8.2: Develop a long-term strategy to respond to large up or down swings in capital resources in the College. This includes budget, enrollment, space, and facilities.
Key Result 1: Ensure the College is reasonably insulated from unexpected threats to capital resources. Develop a preliminary plan by August 2024 and fully solidify by July 2025.
Strategy 8.3: Improve and optimize the academic experience.
Key Result 1: Samples of best practice program goals and metrics are developed for consideration and piloted by June 2025. Examples are workforce metrics and research area outputs.
Objective 9: Improve Health and Wellness in the College
Strategy 9.1: Expand ways to better educate students on a range of available mental health services and normalize the use of those services.
Key Result 1: Identify at least two additional strategies to increase College students' awareness of and access to mental health resources by June 2024.
Metrics Impacted
- Service to the community
- Number of impactful events
- Equity and inclusion of faculty, staff, and students
- Increased satisfaction
- Increased engagement opportunities
- Diversity of faculty
- Faculty and staff turnover statistics
- Mental health access statistics