New Online Course Development
Departments or units interested in developing an existing in-person course as an online course or redesigning an existing online course should go through the College’s application process to receive approval and to be considered for funding. The information below provides further details on this process.
If a unit is interested in developing a new course (regardless of the modality), it must submit a course proposal to the Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising (CUSA).
College Priorities
When the College reviews proposals for a new online course or for the redesign of an existing online course, it prioritizes courses that fulfill:
- A requirement or elective for the unit’s approved online major or minor degree program, and/or
- A Core 34 requirement for a goal that has fewer course options.
Online Course Requirements
All online courses developed or redesigned for the College should be:
- Designed to serve fully-online students, primarily.
- Offered in addition to (not in lieu of) an in-person version of the same course.
- Scheduled in the fall and/or spring semesters, primarily. (Not just in the summer.)
- Approved by the University Core Curriculum Committee (UCCC) if the course is being developed for Core 34.
- Fully updated every 3 years, in addition to regular, semester-to-semester maintenance and upkeep.
Faculty Funding & Support*
The College offers faculty the following support for approved course proposals:
- New course development: $4250 per 3 credit hour course, or $7100 per 5 credit hour course, or a course release in lieu of funding.
- Redesigned course: $2750 per 3 credit hour course, or $4600 per 5 credit hour course.
- The support of a Jayhawk Global Center for Online and Distance Learning (CODL) instructional designer, who will meet with you weekly to guide you through a Process of Course Design.
*It is possible for a graduate student to develop or redesign an online course, under the supervision of faculty. Faculty interested in working with a graduate student to develop an online course should contact for information on funding options. The compensation for graduate students who develop or redesign an online course will be based on their current academic year compensation rate. The College Budget Office will calculate the compensation amount.
Courses are reviewed for funding and support eligibility on a case-by-case basis using the following criteria:
- Instruction mode must be online, hybrid classroom or hybrid online class as defined by the University Registrar's Help Sheet for Instructional Modes.
- Delivery method must be asynchronous.
- The course must fulfill a KU Core 34 Goal.
- It is preferred that the course fulfill a Major degree requirement.
- It is preferred that the course historically enrolls well.
Faculty who receive approval or funding for online course development or redesign must enter into a Memorandum of Expectations (MOE). The MOE ensures that College standards for online courses are met and compliant with Higher Learning Commission requirements for online education. Please review a sample MOE, here:
How to Apply
To apply for approval and funding, submit your application here: Course Development Proposal Application Form
Please contact