Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising (CUSA)

Committee Liaison

College Undergraduate Academic Services Liaison:  Assistant Dean Karen Ledom,

Admin. Support: Rachel Decorie, 785-864-1784,


According to the Bylaws of the College Assembly » (Article VII.B.2), the Committee on Undergraduate Studies & Advising) shall:

  1. Review and recommend to the CAC and/or the CA for action on all proposals with reference primarily to undergraduate course and curricular change, program requirements (which include degrees, majors, minors, certificates) and educational policy and procedures.  New majors, minors, degrees, or certificates, or deletions of the same, should be acted on individually.  All other proposals should be considered as a whole.
  2. Review and forward to the University Core Curriculum Committee all proposals to include courses in the KU Core Curriculum for courses offered by departments/programs within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  3. Review and accept for file statements of departmental honors requirements.
  4. Periodically review undergraduate degree requirements and the manner in which they may be satisfied, and, where appropriate, suggest to departments and programs that courses be modified so as to accomplish more effectively the goals for which the requirements were established.       
  5. Review and make recommendations on undergraduate petitions requesting special relief from College or University rules when referred to them by College Student Academic Services, the dean and/or the dean’s designee, or by special request of the student.
  6. Respond to charges from the dean on matters including but not limited to undergraduate academic policy and procedure as well as advising.
  7. Make recommendations regarding undergraduate education including but not limited to policy and procedures as well as advising, to the dean, the CAC, and/or the CA.


NameDepartmentTerm Ends
Azuma, MizukiMolecular Biosciences2027
Browne, SarahMathematics2027
Canady, Darren (24-25 Alternate for Conrad, Katie)English2026
Dean, Bart  (24-25 Alternate for McDonald, Robert)Anthropology2025
Hines, DorothyAfrican & African American Studies2025
Lui, Zhipeng (Spring 25 Alternate for Mantzavinos, Dionyssis)Mathematics2026
Mai, DavidFilm & Media Studies2025
Marshall, ClaireGeology2026
Rahn, DaveGeography & Atmospheric Science2026
Rosenthal, Benjamin (Spring 25 Alternative for Touyz, Paul)Visual Arts2025
Summers, CourtneySpeech-Language-Hearing2027
White, GeorginaClassics2025
Wuthrich, MichaelPolitical Science2026
Beerbower, LeishaeUndergraduate Student2025
Welton, MaritzahUndergraduate Student2025


Meeting Dates

The full committee of CUSA meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month during the academic year from 11:15-12:30 when classes are in session.  Subcommittee meet the first and third Tuesday of the month when classes are in session.

See meeting documents.

Policies & Procedures

Curriculum Changes

Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM)

Undergraduate Certificate Information

A new certificate proposal should be submitted as a new program in the link above.

Certificate Proposal Guidelines/Policy

Example of fields needed for new program

Submission Deadlines

CUSA and its sub-committees make every effort to review program changes and curricular changes submitted by departments in a timely fashion.  The CUSA schedule of submission deadlines provides departments with a guide to the timing of the review process.

Submission Deadlines


  • Policy and Awards Subcommittee
  • Curricular Changes and Degree Requirements Subcommittee